Why do i need this?

House-Health ©™ :Why do i need this?

The only fully online, DIY, digital and automated Home Health Check service in the UK.


If you were to be moving home you would get a survey done on the new house you were buying. You need to know the condition of the property you are going to be spending a lot of money on. Figures from the Royal Instution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) show that people who didn't buy a survey on moving house had to spend an average of £5750 on repairs and 17% had to spend more than £12,000 to make the house habitable.

Now you may not be moving but this also applies to your own property if someone was buying it. But this is just one reason and not necessarily the main one.

The main one is that the house you call your Home may be giving you and your family Health problems that you aren't even aware of. Damp that can cause mould. Air that is not being circulated correctly causing breathing issues. A lack of fresh air being allowed into your home. Heating turned off in certain rooms that is causing potential issues you aren't even seeing.

The high and increasing costs of heating your Home is an issue for many. But rather than just turning the heating off to save money, can you use the heating you can afford smarter? Do you know which parts of your house are energy efficient and which are not? Do you know where your house is leaking energy and why? Do you know where you should be focussing on improving your Home so that you protect the family as well as protect the building?

Having your children and loved ones sleep in rooms with damp and mould can cause health problems. Knowing that it is there is important but knowing how to prevent it saves your family getting sick and saves money

Knowing how much energy your house is leaking and where and why lets you take steps to reduce those large and stressful energy bills. Getting recommendations from skilled experts in how to stop the leaks not only decreases your energy bill but improves your comfort.

The environment you live in contributes directly to you and your family's Health, Happiness and Well Being. You need to know the details of that environment so that you can manage it and improve it.

The first step in doing that is to get a survey done on your home. A full survey usually means that you employ a Surveyor to come out to your home and they then prepare a report. They usually charge anywhere up to £350 to do this. Just to do an Energy Efficiency Survey may cost less but you are still looking at a cost of £150 for a one off survey. We are offering a Survey service created by experts to give you a valuable status of your House and Home at a price that does not break the bank and gives you essential and expert information on your Home.
We are not suggesting that if you are moving home you use this instead of a Surveyor or that if you think you have a structural issue in your property that you do not get a Surveyor in to have a look. But for the sake of a small amount of money you may wish to do this, and your own, survey first so that you have a good idea of any problem areas. You then have a chance to rectify issues before they start to cost you real money.

Ready to get Started?

You don’t pay anything to Register. You are just expressing an interest. You only pay when you actually select a Survey to complete.